20 Unemployment Insurance

Unemployment insurance is a temporary financial benefit to employees who have lost their jobs due to no fault of their own until they are recalled by the employer or until they find jobs for which they are reasonably suited in terms of training, past experience and past wages. The amount of the benefit is based on past work and earnings. Each state has its own set of rules which outline eligibility criteria and benefit amounts. Funds to cover the costs of unemployment insurance benefits in Kansas are paid entirely by employers.

When your assignment ends:

  • When your assignment ends and you wish to be considered for a future assignment through TAG, you must notify your TAG branch/supervisor within 24 hours of your assignment end date and check in as available for work. Check in ‘available’ online or by phone weekly – no more than once per week is recommended.

Upon separation, TAG will:

  • Notify your claims administrator of the reason for leaving.
  • Provide documentation as needed.
  • Respond to claim forms and requests for information from each state through our claims administrator

If you decide to resign prior to your assignment ending, you may become ineligible for unemployment insurance benefits.

Unemployment insurance is designed to pay only those claimants who meet the requirements of the law. It is not a handout to individuals who have not worked or are unwilling to do so. Therefore, The Arnold Group is committed to reporting any and all potential fraudulent activity/individuals through KDOL’s K-BEN 307 Unemployment Fraud Report.