02 The T.A.G. Pledge
The T.A.G. Pledge is a Total Accountability Guarantee all associates are asked to make when they start working with The Arnold Group (TAG). This pledge acknowledges that you understand you work with TAG in a 50/50 partnership to place you in a position that will benefit both you and our client. Taking the T.A.G. Pledge does not guarantee TAG will find a job position for you, but it does guarantee you will do your part in the search for one. In short, we seek job candidates that truly want to work and do not wish to waste anyone’s time – yours or ours.
- I believe in personal accountability and taking responsibility for my own actions.
- I will demonstrate a good attitude, be passionate and enthusiastic about work.
- I will behave ethically, act honestly, and demonstrate integrity.
- I will be coachable by listening and following directions, and not lead with arrogance and/or defensiveness.
- I believe any job is an opportunity; it’s up to me to make it a great situation.
- I understand recruiters are not job-finders, rather they are people-finders.
- I understand that timing is everything. I understand that not hearing from TAG means they do not have an opportunity or update for me. They will contact me as soon as they have an update.
- I understand The Arnold Group and their business clients do not guarantee anyone a job, ever.
- I will report to work on time in spite of hardships; I have back up plans for the unexpected such as illness, transportation issues, etc.
- I will communicate with everyone in a professional and courteous manner.