, Unexpectedly Unemployed? How Do You Make the Most of It?

Unexpectedly Unemployed? How Do You Make the Most of It?

Unfortunately, unemployment happens. It can happen to anyone at any time for any reason.

Whether being freshly unemployed is voluntary or completely unexpected, make the most of your time so you’re in the best position possible when you return to work. Here’s how:

Take care of yourself. This looks different to different people, so figure out what it means to you. Use this time to work on yourself personally and focus on some of the things you’ve been putting off by not having enough time. Doing so will help you build strong habits and keep you in a great mindset for when you do return to the workforce.

Hone your skills. You’ve got the time now, what’s to stop you from volunteering, learning new skills, or improving the ones you’re most passionate about? This not only gives you valuable experience and perspective, but will look attractive to potential future employers.

Clarify what’s important. Use your time without a job to clarify what’s most important to you personally and professionally, and how your values and goals align. What worked well and what didn’t in your last role? Are the roles you’re now seeking aligned with your values and goals?

Maintain your presence. Just because you’re no longer employed doesn’t mean you should disappear from your professional network completely. Take the time to maintain your professional social media presence and stay current with your peers. Plus, you never know which contact might know of the next big opportunity for you.

Stay up-to-date. Many industries change quickly, especially when it comes to technique and technology, so you need to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and developments within your field. If you remain current even away from the workforce, you’ll spend less time having to catch up when you start working again.

Be ready to tell your story. Whether you jump in to the job search immediately, or take a little time away, be prepared to address your employment gap during an interview. Think through and rehearse how you want to answer questions around your unemployment period with short, positive sentences to alleviate any concerns an interviewer may have.

Update your resume. This is a great time to carefully review and update your resume to reflect your most recent skills and accomplishments, and tailor it to the next opportunity you want to work toward. If it’s been more than a year or two since you last made any changes to it, take the time to carefully review the entire thing and make sure it still aligns with your goals and best reflects your most relevant experience.

With unemployment on the rise, it’s always beneficial to be prepared for any possibility. If you do find yourself in an unexpected job situation, make the most of your time while unemployed so you’re prepped and ready to reenter the job market from a strong position.

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